H@n W31
虽然我不敢说我真的很会猜心。。 但是最近我好像被一股冷淡的气氛包围着。。 有点透不过气。。 使我太敏感?还是发生了一些我不知道的事呢?

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5 Responses
  1. xiaocai Says:

    ahliao, u zhongguai ar?

  2. H@n W31 Says:

    haha.. mayb leh.. went up Broga with 4 person only.. after that sick till now liao.. XP

  3. .♥ sick ar? take good care and hope u recover soon.
    .♥ Btw, recently all ur posts so sentimental one ~ zz

  4. H@n W31 Says:

    no leh.. i got post the blood type de.. >.<

    i lazy upload pics into here lar.. haha

  5. - yEng - Says:
