H@n W31
crap crap crap....
wat da heck is happening today???

1st i can follow my family to zoo negara due to some v stupid reason..
den when i was enjoying my time on reading novel on9.. den something has to happen.. da line works perfectly.. but i cant get in da webpage which i was juz surfing a minute ago.. >_<

ok.. datz fine oso to me.. i tot to hav a rest by joining GG client to hav a game of dota.. but dis time.. da stupid server hav to create prob to me n making my pc restart... crap..

hav i done anything bad today?? oh well.. i better go b to my room n take a nap la.. hope evything goes b to normal when i wake up later..
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1 Response
  1. Samuel Says:

    not only today... but everyday.. everything bad you are the culprit!! wakakaka.... :D